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Refund Policy and Pre-Camp Injury/Illness Insurance

RSG Refund Policy

The purpose of this statement is to educate potential registrants on the RSG refund policy prior to registration and submission of a deposit. Since RSG camps are based upon limited enrolment and strict coach/athlete ratios, no moneys deposited shall be refunded after May 1st except in the case of an injury or illness where the registrant has puchased camp insurance. Any refunded monies will be subject to a 5 % camp cost administrative fee.

Pre-Camp Injury/Illness Insurance Program

Due to our limited enrolment and very low coach/athlete ratios, RSG does not refund deposited moneys except in the case of an injury or illness where the registrant has puchased camp insurance. If you would like to secure your deposited funds and mitigate the risk of losing these funds please insure your camp. Through RSG Camp Insurance Program you have the opportunity, at the time of registration, to insure your deposited funds. This is an optional program. However, it will help mitigate the risk associated with missing a camp due to injury or illness. To register for this program, it must be purchased concurrently with your initial registration. RSG will add $50.00 to the camp registration fee. Please see additional information below.

However, to be fair to participants and our financial viability, we have instituted a refund cut-off of May 1st. Any requests for refunds will be denied after this date. We believe that we have put together the premier goaltender-development experience. This has been achieved, in part, through the integrity of our structure and programming. We would ask that you do not register if you are not in agreement with this refund policy.

At-Camp Injuries and Illness

RSG does not provide refunds or credits for lost participation due to injury at camp. Athletes attending are expected to be in superior, athletic condition in order to mitigate this risk. Insured registrations do not apply to at-camp injuries.RSG camp structure is renowned for its limited group size. Most other camps accept as many registrations as possible. They want to maximize their revenue. At RSG, we have a different approach. Our approach is to provide attending athletes with one of the most significant development experiences of their lives. To do this, we must have great integrity in the structure of our camp. Each program has a fixed registration number and coach/athlete ratio. Each year we place many prospective registrants onto wait lists due to the demand for our programs. Since we turn potential registrants away, to preserve the camp structure and ratios, we have no method of recovering lost revenue due to cancellations.

RSG Camp Insurance Program

If you would like to insure your camp to reduce the risk of forfeiting your camp fees, due to injury or illness, you may do so by adding a $50.00 to the cost of your camp registration. You may submit a claim, to RSG Inc, for a refund of your registration amount (not including the insurance cost and an administration fee of 5% of camp cost)

Registration for this program must be concurrent with your original registration.

For individuals that have opted for the RSG Camp Refund Program, you can make a claim using the following simple steps:

How to request a RSG Camp Refund Claim Form at the time of cancellation

Complete and submit this claim form with

a letter from the attending physician andProof your registration the RSG Camp Refund Program

After reviewing the claim form and letter from the attending physician, RSG Inc will determine the validity of such claim (please ensure that your attending physicians’ letter is done on their office letterhead)

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